Yesturday morning I texted my friend Jill, and asked her if she could give me a hair cut later that afternoon. She texted me back and said she was down for the job. My appointment with her was at two o' clock, and so she met me at my dorm, and she set up her hair supplies and tools in the study room(lol it was empty at the time) and layed out her beauty gadgets as if it were a mini salon. About a month ago she cut my hair from long to a medium length with layers,to get that volumed look. But this time I felt like I wanted a dramatic change, so I showed her a picture that I found of Cassie(she had short hair that falls a little below her shoulders, very sleek, innocent but sexy classy). As Jill started cutting my hair away, I could feel the past pain being erased from all areas of my past life. In the past, whenever I got hurt or wanted a new beginning I went all out with changing my appearance(from buying colored contacts, to dying/highlighting my hair, and cutting my hair). I felt that by doing this I was erasing the past by changing my outward experience to something new. As soon as Jill finished my hair cut, I walked up to the mirror and smiled. I loved the outcome and so does everone else, I have been receiving so many sweet comments. At this point in my life, not only do I feel new on the outside, but also in the inside too. Because right now I feel benefits from the changes that I have been practicing lately, I toned down with the whole party/clubbing scene(of course I will again because its college, but its okay to lay low sometimes), I have been working out at the gym almost everyday(today is my day off), and my new hair cut completes the final touch. Thank you so much Jill!
I met Jill back in August for the new hire orientation for cosmetics for Nordstrom, Ala Moana. I remember the first time I seen her, she was sitting next to me at the table smiling, with her exotic twiggy hair cut.(her strong features pull off the fierce hair cut) At work she was always bubbly, and ready to help anyone who needed help or wanted to know any beauty question. She definitely has all the answers, knowledgable and experienced, just to let you know she's been in the beauty industry for five years going strong! Very impressive and multi-talented, she graduated from Paul Mitchell, and worked for M.A.C cosmetics for two years. She is the ultimate glam squad, she does hair and make-up for all ocassions. She is very popular and requested by many through out the whole island. She already has impacted many lives and done many gigs and events from weddings, fashion shows, the list is endless. She is currently working at the W salon of Honolulu, where she is always booked with appointments for hair and make-up. If you live on the island of Oahu, or know anyone who is getting married or having an event on Oahu, that calls for a hair and make-up artist position. Then I reccommend you to please hit up Jill. You really won't regret it, an instead will be pleased with the results! If you want to contact Jill please e-mail me at, and I will give you her contact number. Thanks again Jill!
Jill and I
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Finally a Member of 24 Hour Fitness for all Clubs!
These past couple of weeks, I kept saying over and over again that when my next pay check comes, then I'll become a member of the gym. I kept holding it off and bought clothes instead, but yesturday I called and the guy was saying how I can make a down payment fee now and pay the rest of the initiation in a couple weeks.(I always thought you had to pay full upfront!) I'm so glad I called because now I can start my work out journey. I heard that the nicest gym on the island is the one in Waikiki,(which is true because I went there yesturday to get the membership started) since the window view is the beach. Although it is the nice and clean, I decided to become a member for all clubs so that I can go to the gym with friends so I can bond with them and it will be fun and motivating. Recently I have been shopping at Victoria Secret for workout gear.(love their stuff its so stylish, sexy, comfortable) Today I'm going to the gym on Kapi'olani with my friend Jacob. I'm so excited to workout and hopefully in time I'll see beneficial results not only on the outside, but internally as well. I have my water bottle, clothes, shoes, and a positive attitude ready. I encourage all of you to excercise(you don't even have to join the gym if you don't want too). There's many differenet ways to work out but at the same time have fun, as long as you keep it moving. At the end of the day you won't regret it, you'll feel good inside and out, and feel less stressed too(it decreases stress). Remember to work it and have a postive attitude, I guarantee you'll feel happy afterwards! Have a nice day honeys!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Lip Secrets Unleashed
Aloha honeys, so my customers and people I just meet or don't know always come up to me and ask what make-up I use for my lips. They think that its just one lip stick used, or one lip gloss easily applied on. But actually, I use three products! So today I am going to spill the product combination. What brand?...for my lips, all M.A.C of course. So first, I take my lip pencil in "Subculture"($13) and not only line but also fill in my lips.(I do this so the lipstick/lip gloss lasts longer) Then I take my lipstick in "Angel"($14) and use a patting motion to lightly apply the shade, instead of gliding on a heavy coverage. Last, I take my lip glass in "Peroxide"(not sure how much it was, but unfortunately it is discontinued froma past collection, but you can still find it online) and blend over the gloss with my lipliner and lipstick. The outcome=everyday pinkish nude lips that draws people in and makes them wonder "what are her lip secrets?"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fire Fighter Pin-Up Girl
Aloha honeys! Here are some pictures from my first Halloween in Hawaii. My friends and I from the dorm dressed up and walked Kalakaua. Which is the main strip that was blocked off, where its like one big party with everyone walking around in their costumes. My costume goal for the night was to go all out in red, at first I said was going to be a pin-up girl. But later became a fire fighter pin-up girl because I borrowed my friend, Kai's hat. Shout outs to Kai and Elan(she let me borrow her curvy red dress, which I will send off to dry clean once I get payed do to the partying, I apologize again). Thank you for letting me borrow the red items ladies! I also included accesories, for my hair I bought a red rose and of course I had to paint my lips red! Halloween was a krazzyyy night, I hope you all enjoyed yours!
Trend Show
Aloha Honeys! So on November 14, 2009, Nordstrom Ala Moana is having a Trend Show. The doors open at 8:00, and the show starts at 8:30 on the third floor. Tickets cost $15, but after the show you can use it towards any Nordstrom purchase, so its basically free! You'll receive free breakfast, a free bag with cosmetic goodies, and after the show you can come down to the second floor and receive a free make-over(which we can schedule you an appointment with any of our cosmetic lines, after you purchase your ticket). We also have celebrity hair and make-up stylists flying in from all over the World, and speakers exclusive for the show. If you live in Oahu, or know anyone who lives in Oahu, Hawaii please let them know about this event, you can contact me from my beauty chat box to the right, and I can let you know more details. Mahalo!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Three Steps To Get Long Lashes By Using Shiseido Cosmetics
Aloha honeys! I'm going to tell you how you can create long, curled, and volumized lashes by using three of my favorite eye products from the Shiseido make-up line. 1) I use the Shiseido eyelash curler($19), I gently sqeeze the handles together close to the root of my lashes(but not to the point where my skin is being pinched! be careful!), do both sides, so that they are evenly curled. 2) I use my Shiseido Base Mascara($23) to clear coat my lashes, this lenthens and seperates the lashes. 3) Last, I use my Shiseido Lasting Lift Mascara($22) and move the mascara wand in a zigzag motion from the roots to the tips(make sure you do both sides!), this motion is created to make sure that each lash gets coated.4) Smile with you eyes(as Tyra Banks would say), and there you have it fabulous lashes, without the need of lash glue and false lashes(don't get me wrong I still love to wear these when I go out, but this is the secret to the other way!) Mahalo for reading!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Aloha honeys! Last week, I finally received my birthday package from two of my best friends, Tracy and Rachelle. I opened the box to find so many beauty goodies inside, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracy gave me three Hi-Chew pack candies, food erasers, two-faced duo eyeshadow, a Turquoise guess shirt, a peacock feather bangle, a pick floral ring, big earrings, and a cute card with two girls on the front cover only showing their feet, saying that we're sisters. Thank you so much Tracy! Rachelle got me different colors of adhesive rhinestones, the Coastal Scents 88 eye pallette, and she made me a cute collage on my card. Thank you so much Raye! I love the gifts so much ladies and I will use them for my beauty blog entries when I showcase my make-up creations, and I will use them all the time! Thanks again, I love you guys!
M.A.C Shopping Review
Aloha honeys! Last week I received my first paycheck, so I was shopping the whole week last week. And of course I had to hit up the M.A.C counter. The manager of the M.A.C counter at Nordstrom, Ala Moana, named Marc, helped me out. Thank you so much Marc! I've been dying to buy the highlight eye shadow in "Vanilla,"(light natural white shade) and the highlighter brow bone brush #239(the soft hair makes it easier to pack and highlight evenly and smoothly). I also bought the lip liner "Subculture,"(a pinkish-nude color)because I'm almost out! I also bought a paint pot called "Bare Study."(nude-gold shimmer base) And last I bought the Fix Plus spray(light mist that sets and refreshes your make-up). You can find all of these items at any M.A.C counter, M.A.C Pro store, or if theres no M.A.C nearby you can always log onto their website at .
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Make-over with Ms. Orikasa!
ALOHA honeys! I apologize for the lack of updating frequently these past couple of months(the internet connection is so slow where I live!) Two weekends ago, I gave Kyra a make-over using all Shiseido cosmetics. I met Kyra so randomly (lol), so I was working on a Saturday and my friend Hollie came to visit. During my break, she and I walked to Walmart(which is about two blocks away) because she needed to pick up some neccessities. While we where there she ran into her friends from back home(she and her friends are all from the island Maui.) She introduced me to Kyra and Serena, whom she knew from school back in Maui. They both complimented me on my make-up and said they liked it, and I replied telling them to stop by the Shiseido counter at Nordstrom when I get back from my break and I'll give them make-overs! They were so excited and actually came through, I invited to take a seat to experience Shiseido, and so the make-over session began. As I was choosing make-up, getting my tools ready, and preparing, I started chatting with the two. Kyra lives back on Maui, but was visiting Serena, who lives in Oahu too. I asked her if she had any requests for make-up and she said she wanted a smokey purple eye, and so I started pulling the purple shades. Kyra is such a free spirit, so fun, gives off a positive vibe, and hilarious. Like most of the other Hawaiians and locals I have met, she has a multi-exotic mix. She is Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Hawaiian, and Italian. In the end, she was so happy with the results that she rocked it to the club she and Serena went to that night. She was modeling my creation for ladies night out! Thanks for letting me do your make-up Kai! Come again!
and after...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Beauty Insider by Sephora
Aloha! So last month, when I purchased several items from Sephora, the sales associate, Nana, rang me up and asked me to become a member of Sephora's Beauty Insider. To become a member is free, all you have to do is fill out a little section of your personal information, then they give you a black card that says "Beauty Insider." Nana told me to show my card everytime I purchase from Sephora, so that when they scan it, the points can add up. The benefits of this card are you will receive a gift on the month of your birthday, and through e-mail they will let you know when there is new deals going on,tips, and events. She also told me to bring in my card the month of my birthday, and Sephora will have a little gift waiting for me. So last thursday, on my 19th birthday, after my second day of training for Nordstrom, I stopped by Sephora to receive my member birthday gift. Which was a little cute box that had a logo saying happy birthday, and in it was three cute lipgloss by Sephora. Starting from the left, the shades are "Precious Pink," "Rosy Glow," and "Bronzed Beauty." I encourage all of you to become members! Thank you so much Sephora!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Dare You" Cremesheen Lipstick by M.A.C
The name of the lip stick really does say something when you rock and flaunt it in public. Deep red lips is gorgeous and can act as a magnet of attraction from all the way across the room, whether its at a party, club, event, the places are endless. By simply painting your lips red, you will instantly feel fierce, bold, and sexy. The color red represents love, and if you kiss any one on the cheek with this daring shade, then they will definetly be imprinted by your mark. What's fun is these deep red lips might end up in a seductive kiss. This lip shade is adventurous, fun, and can lead to possibilities! If you haven't yet, you should give it a try...I dare you ;) 

Monday, September 14, 2009
Ashley is One of the Best Puerto Rican Cooks!
Aloha! A couple days ago I did my friend, Ashley's make-up because she was going out and I offered to do her make-up. I met Ashley since she lives at the dorm too. She is Puerto Rican and half American(nice mix huh?) She is also from Ohio(it's so cool how mostly everyone I meet is from all over the World.) Ashley is alo an amazing cook, she makes tasty Puerto Rican dishes, that make you crave for more. She recently bought so much M.A.C. make-up, so we had to put the new to use! She was wearing a pretty turquoise dress and I didn't want to match her eye shadow with the shades of her dress, so to contrast I stuck with the bronzy tones. Enjoy honeys!
and after
and after
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Aloha honeys! So last Friday, before me and my friends went to the club, I did three of my friends make-up. One of the make-overs I am going to be sharing with you is Katherine's. She is from Norway, she lives on my dorm floor too. She is so pretty, I call her my "Barbie," because she reminds me of one. For her look I gave her an all over flush of pink, enjoy!
and after
and after
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Beautiful Things I've Seen Today
Aloha honeys! I just got back from church(its called St. Augustine, and is located on the main strip, Kalakaua). I haven't been to church in a couple weeks, and felt guilty especially because my dad checks in everynow and then and asks if I go. I haven't gone because I didn't want to go alone, I asked my friends at the dorm but most of them don't go to church anymore or confused about their religion. I still love all of them, but I felt like if I continued to not go to church, then sooner or later I will loose my faith in God. So I walked to church and attended the 5:00 p.m. mass. The mass was so beautiful, half of it was sung and said in Hawaiian and the other half was in English. The church community members were all dressed in tradional clothing, which I thought was cute, because they are keeping the tradition alive. While I was standing in line to get the holy bread I seen a couple things that I thought were beautiful, the choir sung their hearts out and shared their wonderful talent with us all. And a little girl in the choir and I exchanged big smiles which brang warmth and comfort even though I don't know her. After church, as I was walking home, I seen an older man with a cute dog that was wearing a flower lei. Even the dog has aloha spirit too (lol). And earlier this afternoon my friend and roomate, Elan, told me and our friends her definition of beauty. She said that to her she thinks beauty is when you feel healthy, work out, and embrace what you have, no matter who are, because all women are beautiful. Throughout today God has shared with me beauty through many unique forms. God is beautiful.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Aloha honeys! I have some exciting news! I received a call today from Julie, who is the assistant manager for Nordstrom's cosmetics section at Ala Moana Mall, telling me that I got the job offer to work for Shiseido! Happiness emerged as she announced my acceptance into the cosmetic industry. I wanted to cry tears of joy, but did it internally because I was in public at the bus stop (lol). I've been waiting for this day my whole life, and now an opportunity to be a part of the beauty business awaits me. I am looking forward to meeting the beauty community, build long lasting friendships with my customers/co-workers, train and learn to do the facials and massages, help women see and unleash the inner beauty within them, and share my talent with others. It has been a long battle trying to get into cosmetics, especially after being rejected followed by dissapointment. But hope, holding on, and the effort to keep going, inspiration, prayer, and strong passion for cosmetics finally brang acceptance. I'd like to thank Julie, Naomi, Derese, and the beauty bloggers and youtube make-up gurus who have inspired me and have become my support system. Mahalo(thank you) all so much, god bless all of you!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Clean those brushes!
Aloha honeys, I just finished cleaning my make-up brushes. It is so important to do! You must clean your brushes at least every two weeks, and if not at least once a month. Over time brushes can collect oil, dirt, and bacteria and if you don't clean them, your basically putting it back and forth onto your face and into your make-up. Which means your contaminating everything! I know we all can get lazy from time to time, but its better to take the time to clean your tools then wasting time spoiling them. Remember to stay clean! A lot of make-up artists have many different ways of cleaning their brushes such as using olive oil and make-up brush cleaners. I clean my brushes the cheap and wise way, I use shampoo and water to get the excess build up off, by lightly swirling my brush on the back of my hand. Then I use the conditioner and water to soften my brushes. Its good to keep a towel near by, so that after you can lay the brush on its side to air dry. And there you have it, and affordable way to maintain your brushes!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Miss Taylor's Make Over
Aloha honeys! So yesterday I was kicking it in m friends room, Liz and Taylor(they live right across from my room), and we decided to play with their collection of make-up(omg they have so much M.A.C make-up!) I gave Taye a make-over, for her make-up I gave her a smokey pink look, and for her hair I flip/curled her tips. Enjoy!
and after
and after
Friday, August 28, 2009
The inner beauty of personality
Aloha honeys! So a couple days ago, I finally moved into my dorm. At first, I was home sick of course, and it was a really sad day because my dad left to go back home to the bay. As my dad and I said good-bye, he hugged me for a couple seconds and let go. The unconditional love that my dad has provided me with for these past 18 years and continues to do, I now see clearly after we said our good-byes. The pain, but love I felt was the beauty of his personality that he has shared with me. As sad as I was, I also started to feel like "what am I going to do now?" I wasn't used to Oahu, Hawaii's slow paced life style(as in waiting for the bus, and everything). Since, I'm so used to the fast paced city life. But the next day, I met so many people at my dorm, I love them so much already! They all bring a unique flavor, most of us moved here from all over the World. That's what makes our "ohana"(family) so unique. A lot of people that I have met so far are so sweet and nice. For example two days ago was my first day of school, and the next day our teacher wanted us to have specific supplies from specific stores. I don't drive over here, I have the bus pass, so I asked randomn people on the street where to get to my destinations. The first thing that I needed to buy was blank colored flash cards, flash card ring holders, and a whole puncher. The teacher wanted us to get these from "Fishers" (a teacher/student supply store). I walked for so long probably about a mile, lugging so many bags, and I kept asking people and they kept telling me it was still far. I was getting frustrated so I finally walked into a boutique and asked where it was. A nice elderly lady heard me and said she knew where it was and that she can give me a ride. So I got in her car and she took me to Fishers, she is so nice! Later that day I had to buy a "Learn How to Speak Hawaiian at Home" book for class at Bess Press. I asked the bus drivers where it was and had to transfer on two buses to get near there. When I finally got off the second bus, I aske dthis lady if she new where it was. She offered and then walked me to the store, which was still 5-6 blocks away. She is so sweet! I don't know where I would have been with out these guiding angels. My dad and these angels really showed me that the inner beauty of personality can be very powerful, effective, and forever lasting.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Black & Gold Remix
Aloha honeys! My dad and I are going to have dinner tonight at the Tiki Bar and Grill, which is right next to Waikiki beach. The restaurant is out door, which has a good view because I told my dad I wanted to watch the sunset. For tonight I did my make-up with some of the make-up that I bought this past week. When I go out at night I usually go all out smokey, but its too hot and I wanted to keep it a little lighter, so I mixed in black and gold. I call this the "Black & Gold Remix."
sun shot
Beauty products used:
face: Benefit's tinted moisturizer in "You Rebel," Bare Minerals Matte powder foundation in "Medium Tan," Sonia Kashuk's stick concealer in "Dusk"
cheeks: Bare Minerals blush in "Joyous Jennifer"
eyes: M.A.C eyeshadow in "Retro Speck," M.A.C eyeshadow in "Carbon," Lancome eyeshadow in "Daylight" (Matte), M.A.C fluidline in "Blacktrack," Rimmel's eye liner in "Jet Black," Bliss false eye lashes in Black #13, Lancome Hypnose mascara in "Black/Noir," and Benefit's instand brow pencil in "Medium Dark"
lips: NYX lip stick in "Thalia," NYX lip gloss in "Natural"
sun shot
Beauty products used:
face: Benefit's tinted moisturizer in "You Rebel," Bare Minerals Matte powder foundation in "Medium Tan," Sonia Kashuk's stick concealer in "Dusk"
cheeks: Bare Minerals blush in "Joyous Jennifer"
eyes: M.A.C eyeshadow in "Retro Speck," M.A.C eyeshadow in "Carbon," Lancome eyeshadow in "Daylight" (Matte), M.A.C fluidline in "Blacktrack," Rimmel's eye liner in "Jet Black," Bliss false eye lashes in Black #13, Lancome Hypnose mascara in "Black/Noir," and Benefit's instand brow pencil in "Medium Dark"
lips: NYX lip stick in "Thalia," NYX lip gloss in "Natural"
Ulta shopping review
Aloha honeys! So this past Monday, the day before I left, I had to make one more stop to Ulta, plus I had to make use of the coupon lol. The coupon was $3.50 off when you spend ten dollars or more. I most definetly spent more then that lol. You can get the coupon in their catalog each month, when you sign up to be a member of Ulta for free. They always have great deals going on, you guys check it out!
O.P.I, Benefit, and NYX
I bought the mini Senoritas collection my O.P.I for my friend as a belated birthday present for $10. And I bought myself the mini Teeny Bikinis collection by O.P.1. And Ulta has this deal going on when you spend ten dollars or more on O.P.I, then you will receive a free mini Pretty Little Pinks collection by O.P.I. Which is a $6.50 value.
I also stocked up on the white jumbo eye pencil in "Milk" by NYX. I forgot how much each one cost, but when you buy two, you get one free. I also bought two lip glosses for $4.99 each. The first one is called "Natural", which is a pinkish nude shade. And the second one is called "Copper Penny," which is a bronzy deep pink shade. And again, when you buy two you get one free, so for my free item I chose NYX lip stick called "Thalia," which is a pinkish nude shade that works well with the "Natural" lip gloss.
I been wanting Benefit's instant brow pencil for medium to dark. This cost $20, and is so worth the price. I love how it defines the eye brows with a natural finish, and not an artificial bold look. It glides on creamy smooth, and the blend it out so that its not too harsh, the other end come with a spoolie to brush out, blend, and soften the lines.
I hope you enjoyed this Ulta shoppinf review! Mahalo!
Passion for Make-up, Woman of the month for August
"How did you get into make-up?" my cousin Madeline asked me this past weekend, as I did her make-up. So many people always ask me this question. So I decided to blog about it because it relates to the end of this blog, which is a spotlight on woman of the month. When I was in middle school in my early teens, I would always see my mom get so many make-up gifts from Lancome cosmetics(during certain times they give away free make-up gifts when you buy a certain amount of their beauty products. So, I was curious on how to put make-up on, so I would close the bathroom dorr and pretend to be using the bathroom but really I was experimenting with all these artistic colors and tools. No one ever knew, because I couldn't wear make-up to school, since it was forbidden. I went to a Catholic middle school from kindergarten to eight grade!(I love how I met many life lasting friendships, but I hated the rules!) Stupid rules such as you can't even at least wear clear lip gloss(I still did this during school pictures) or clear nail polish(I did this and one time the principal sent me down to the office to take it off), but I did it anyway lol.
Before I entered my freshman year in high school, my cousin Cherienne showed me her huge caboodle make-up case. I was so amazed as she opened it up and showed me all these beauty treasures from top of the line make-up such as Chanel, Clinique, Lancome, Benefit, and the list goes on and on. Next thing I know, she's putting some of it in a bag and giving it to me. I asked her why she doesn't want them, she said because she has so much make-up that she doesn't use it all, and that her cousin Naomi gives her these samples and make-up because she is a cosmetics manager. I was so happy and overwhelmed with all my new beauty goodies, that right away when I got home, I started playing with them and tried new make-up looks.
For high school, I chose to continue into a public school. Which meant freedom of expression of style, including acceptance of make-up! Back then I just did basic make-up, I didn't really know about the various techniques, brushes, and make-up terms. During breaks I would do peoples make-up in class rooms and near the basketball court(kind of like mini appointments but w/out charge). I used the make-up that my cousin gave me. And after I applied make-up to my classmate models, sometimes I would end up giving the samples to them. All for free, only because I love making others feel confident and sexy about them selves, with the power of make-up. These past years, I would do make-up for free(sometimes people would give me tips), for many occassions such as weddings, proms, quinces, debuts, winter ball, and many other special occasions. My untie Jeanie would ask how come I don't charge because I sacrifice my time, performance, and use my own make-up and tools. I told her because I'm not professional and don't have a license or anything, but I was fine with it because I love doing make-up.
In my freshmen year of college, during the fall semester, my friend Jordan and I went to a big group interview in downtown San Francisco for cosmetics at Macy's. We were so excited to be there, the interviewer told us that it doesn't matter if you don't have experience because performance and personality can help you work your way to the top (which is exactly what she did). My friend and I were excited to receive calls, telling us that we were going on the the next level of the one on one interview at Stonestown Macy's. We followed up, but we never heard from them again. I was really looking forward to this, and was dissapointed that we didn't get the job, but instead of giving up it made me more hungry to keep trying. I also applied to Macy's in Daly City and got a job for seasonal, as I was sitting with the manager he gave me three choices of sections to work in. I asked if I can work in fragrances, because if you have no experience you can start in fragrance and work you way to cosmetics. But, he said I couldn't get it because to be in that section you have to be available during the day, which is when I have school. So, I ended up in lingerie. All my co-workers would always tell me that I look like I belong in the cosmetic section, seeing me dressed in all black with my make-up all done.
During the Spring, I went on and was amazed at how many women do make-up tutorial videos. These women are from all over the World, and are very talented and creative. My favorite, Make-up by Ren Ren taught me so many techniques, styles, brushes, information on beauty product reviews, she really inspired me to get out there again. Because she is a free lance make-up artist. So I thought, if I can't get accepted rightn ow in the cosmetic business, then I will be a free lance make-up artist. So these past few months before I moved, I've had a few customers each month, only this time I now charge a reasonable amount. And after I ask my clients if I can take a picture of my work to build a portfolio.(you need to start somewhere, start small then slowly build up)
Blogspot's beauty community has also helped me and encouraged me to share my talent and love for cosmetics with others. Its a place where we can showcase our creativeness, share product reviews, and give beauty tips and advice to each other. It also amazes me to see how many generous women have contest on here and give away beauty goodies(some are expensive too), and some people just have give aways just ebcause they feel like it. When I first told my family that I wanted to be a make-up artist, they started laughing at me, which hurt inside, because they don't know how bad I want it and love it. They automatically assume that I won't make enough money and will stay in a booth. But what they don't know is that the booth is one of the first places where you start, and you can keep working your way up by performance, personality, and patience. The beauty blog community has become my support system towards my love for cosmetics, unlike some of my family members.
During my spring semester of college, I transfered to Skyline college and for summer school I took a make-up class. This make-up class was only for three weeks, twice a week, for two hours a class. I took this class only because I wanted to put it on my resume for the next time I apply for cosmetics. In this class it was mostly review for me, but I'm glad I attended since because I met some women of the beauty community. One of my friends in the class is manager for Duty Free cosmetics at the San Francisco Airport, and another nice woman I met is an esthician. But although most of it was review for me, I gained new friends and some new make-up knowledge that I will apply to my future clients.
Just recently, I applied to be an Avon representative online, and next thing you know I get a call from a nearby Avon district manager. I still need to set up my website for Avon with the manager, especially now that I have moved, so it'll be easier for my friends and family to see the online campaigns. A lot of people tell me that they mosly know elderly women who sell Avon, and that I'm the only one they know who is young and sells it. I laugh and tell them that as long as its cosmetics then I'll do it, plus it'll be good for experience. Last semester my counseler Dupre' told me that I have a gift of beauty, and that through my hands I have the talent to do make-up and share and make other feel and see that they are beautiful too. I believe that this strong passion of this gift is one of my main purposes in life.
I will forever love cosmetics and I won't stop, just because one job didn't except me, I will keep going until I do get accepted. I will keep doing little things such as taking a make-up class for a resume or selling Avon, just to get experience. Don't let any one stop you from getting to your dreams, when one rejects you, know that there is something bigger and better out there for you. Use any negative comments as a tool to motivate you, so that when you do make it, they will be moded. Use it as a strength to let everyone know how bad you want it, and will work hard just to get it.
For this months spotlight of woman of the month, I chose Naomi(she is my cousin's cousin). Yesturday when my dad and I went to Ala Moana, we stopped by Nordstrom to visit her in the cosmetics section. She greeted me and my dad with a warm smile and she was so welcoming. She was telling my dad and I how she has been in cosmetics for ten years. And out of those ten years, she was manager for eight. My dad did most of the talking at first, at first I was so speechless being in her presence because she is a role model. I asked her if she manages just one booth or all of it. She told us how she manages the whole cosmetics section. That is so cool! She is also a mother to cute twin boys(my sister loves them). She is also strong and independent because she moved from the bay to Oahu, to be the cosmetics manager for Nordrum in Ala Moana mall. She is such a beautiful woman with a beautiful personality. I am so proud of her for working her way up to the top in the cosmetic industry. She inspires me so much.
Before I entered my freshman year in high school, my cousin Cherienne showed me her huge caboodle make-up case. I was so amazed as she opened it up and showed me all these beauty treasures from top of the line make-up such as Chanel, Clinique, Lancome, Benefit, and the list goes on and on. Next thing I know, she's putting some of it in a bag and giving it to me. I asked her why she doesn't want them, she said because she has so much make-up that she doesn't use it all, and that her cousin Naomi gives her these samples and make-up because she is a cosmetics manager. I was so happy and overwhelmed with all my new beauty goodies, that right away when I got home, I started playing with them and tried new make-up looks.
For high school, I chose to continue into a public school. Which meant freedom of expression of style, including acceptance of make-up! Back then I just did basic make-up, I didn't really know about the various techniques, brushes, and make-up terms. During breaks I would do peoples make-up in class rooms and near the basketball court(kind of like mini appointments but w/out charge). I used the make-up that my cousin gave me. And after I applied make-up to my classmate models, sometimes I would end up giving the samples to them. All for free, only because I love making others feel confident and sexy about them selves, with the power of make-up. These past years, I would do make-up for free(sometimes people would give me tips), for many occassions such as weddings, proms, quinces, debuts, winter ball, and many other special occasions. My untie Jeanie would ask how come I don't charge because I sacrifice my time, performance, and use my own make-up and tools. I told her because I'm not professional and don't have a license or anything, but I was fine with it because I love doing make-up.
In my freshmen year of college, during the fall semester, my friend Jordan and I went to a big group interview in downtown San Francisco for cosmetics at Macy's. We were so excited to be there, the interviewer told us that it doesn't matter if you don't have experience because performance and personality can help you work your way to the top (which is exactly what she did). My friend and I were excited to receive calls, telling us that we were going on the the next level of the one on one interview at Stonestown Macy's. We followed up, but we never heard from them again. I was really looking forward to this, and was dissapointed that we didn't get the job, but instead of giving up it made me more hungry to keep trying. I also applied to Macy's in Daly City and got a job for seasonal, as I was sitting with the manager he gave me three choices of sections to work in. I asked if I can work in fragrances, because if you have no experience you can start in fragrance and work you way to cosmetics. But, he said I couldn't get it because to be in that section you have to be available during the day, which is when I have school. So, I ended up in lingerie. All my co-workers would always tell me that I look like I belong in the cosmetic section, seeing me dressed in all black with my make-up all done.
During the Spring, I went on and was amazed at how many women do make-up tutorial videos. These women are from all over the World, and are very talented and creative. My favorite, Make-up by Ren Ren taught me so many techniques, styles, brushes, information on beauty product reviews, she really inspired me to get out there again. Because she is a free lance make-up artist. So I thought, if I can't get accepted rightn ow in the cosmetic business, then I will be a free lance make-up artist. So these past few months before I moved, I've had a few customers each month, only this time I now charge a reasonable amount. And after I ask my clients if I can take a picture of my work to build a portfolio.(you need to start somewhere, start small then slowly build up)
Blogspot's beauty community has also helped me and encouraged me to share my talent and love for cosmetics with others. Its a place where we can showcase our creativeness, share product reviews, and give beauty tips and advice to each other. It also amazes me to see how many generous women have contest on here and give away beauty goodies(some are expensive too), and some people just have give aways just ebcause they feel like it. When I first told my family that I wanted to be a make-up artist, they started laughing at me, which hurt inside, because they don't know how bad I want it and love it. They automatically assume that I won't make enough money and will stay in a booth. But what they don't know is that the booth is one of the first places where you start, and you can keep working your way up by performance, personality, and patience. The beauty blog community has become my support system towards my love for cosmetics, unlike some of my family members.
During my spring semester of college, I transfered to Skyline college and for summer school I took a make-up class. This make-up class was only for three weeks, twice a week, for two hours a class. I took this class only because I wanted to put it on my resume for the next time I apply for cosmetics. In this class it was mostly review for me, but I'm glad I attended since because I met some women of the beauty community. One of my friends in the class is manager for Duty Free cosmetics at the San Francisco Airport, and another nice woman I met is an esthician. But although most of it was review for me, I gained new friends and some new make-up knowledge that I will apply to my future clients.
Just recently, I applied to be an Avon representative online, and next thing you know I get a call from a nearby Avon district manager. I still need to set up my website for Avon with the manager, especially now that I have moved, so it'll be easier for my friends and family to see the online campaigns. A lot of people tell me that they mosly know elderly women who sell Avon, and that I'm the only one they know who is young and sells it. I laugh and tell them that as long as its cosmetics then I'll do it, plus it'll be good for experience. Last semester my counseler Dupre' told me that I have a gift of beauty, and that through my hands I have the talent to do make-up and share and make other feel and see that they are beautiful too. I believe that this strong passion of this gift is one of my main purposes in life.
I will forever love cosmetics and I won't stop, just because one job didn't except me, I will keep going until I do get accepted. I will keep doing little things such as taking a make-up class for a resume or selling Avon, just to get experience. Don't let any one stop you from getting to your dreams, when one rejects you, know that there is something bigger and better out there for you. Use any negative comments as a tool to motivate you, so that when you do make it, they will be moded. Use it as a strength to let everyone know how bad you want it, and will work hard just to get it.
For this months spotlight of woman of the month, I chose Naomi(she is my cousin's cousin). Yesturday when my dad and I went to Ala Moana, we stopped by Nordstrom to visit her in the cosmetics section. She greeted me and my dad with a warm smile and she was so welcoming. She was telling my dad and I how she has been in cosmetics for ten years. And out of those ten years, she was manager for eight. My dad did most of the talking at first, at first I was so speechless being in her presence because she is a role model. I asked her if she manages just one booth or all of it. She told us how she manages the whole cosmetics section. That is so cool! She is also a mother to cute twin boys(my sister loves them). She is also strong and independent because she moved from the bay to Oahu, to be the cosmetics manager for Nordrum in Ala Moana mall. She is such a beautiful woman with a beautiful personality. I am so proud of her for working her way up to the top in the cosmetic industry. She inspires me so much.
Naomi and I
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ala Moana
Aloha honeys, sorry I haven't blogged in a while its because I was bonding with my friends and family because two days ago I left and moved from the bay to Oahu, Hawaii. I want to thank all my friends and family for all their support, words of wisdom, gifts, and love as I set out on a new journey in my life. Today my dad and I went to Walmart in Honolulu, to stock up for necessities for my dorm, but before we went there we went to Ala Moana. Which is the biggest mall on the island, three floors, and made up of mostly pricey name brand stores. I splurged on shopping like crazy, with some of the money that I received from my going away family party. I bought some dresses and tights from Forever 21, because I need to stock up on a new wardrobe since weather is hot over here. Overall, I mostly bought cosmetics (lol).
I bought two sets of eye lashes by Bliss a.k.a. Red Cherry lashes, each set was $1.50. And I bought a new eyelash adhesive glue By DUO, Make-up by Ren Ren said that this works the best, so I had to try this. The good thing about this glue is that it dries a dark tone, so that it blends with eye liner already, that way you don't have to go back and re-line and blend in the lash glue and eye liner. This glue was supposed to be five dollars and somethings cents, but it was on sale for about a dollar off. Good deal!
I also stopped by the M.A.C pro store and bought two eye shadows that come in a pan, each cost only $11, since it already came without the eye shadow case. These eyeshadows are made specially for the pro pallettes, on the back of the pan theres a little magnet with the name of the eye shadow, and you just place it in the magetic pro pallette and it holds. The two eyeshadows I bought were "Retro Speck" and "Carbon." I also stopped by Sephora, and I met a beauty associate named "Nana." I tol her that some of my family call me nana ever since I was little too! She is so nice and sweet adn really helped me find my color for the Bare Minerals Foundation, I used to use this all the time about a year ago. But I have been trying other foundations, and I always come back to Bare Minerals, but its all good because its good for my skin since its organic make-up. So nana tested "medium tan" on my jaw line, and it blended so good that I couldn't even tell where it was. Nana also told me about the beauty insider card, which is for free, and you use it evertime you buy something at Sephora, to get points and on your birthday they give you a gift! So she told me to come back next month for my birthday, yay I love surprises. She also told me about this deal going on where I get a free mini kabuki brush, because its the deal going on when you by Bare Minerals foundation. She also gave me a sample that comes with it too, another mini kabuki with sample foundation in "Medium Dark."(she apologized for running out of my color, but its all good, I can always use it for my make-up artist kit when I do others make-up) The foundation cost $28, and the formula, and packaging upgraded. Instead of just holes to let out the powder, now theres a new technique called Click, Lock, Go sifter, so that its not messy and so that the excess powder doesn't sit at the top layer anymore. The foundation also updated to a "Matte" finish, so that it eliminates shine and excecss oil. Thank you so much for helping me out Nana!
I also had to stop at Lush! One of my favorite stores! I love the smell when you walk in, its so peaceful (lol). Last month I got a sample of "Angels on Bare Skin." But this time I came back to buy a supply of the facial cleanser. The packaging reminds me of food lol, since the pricing goes by the pound. I bought $14.34 worth, I hope this lasts a while.
At Walmart, I bought a postcard, which I'm going to hang in my dorm as art. This is a photo of Billy DeVorss, she was a Hawaiian Pin-up girl featured in a calender in 1946. I love her hair, make-up, and style. She's gorgeous!
I hope you guys enjoyed my shopping review from Ala Moana Mall and Walmart. Mahalo!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Edgy Pin-up Girl Make-up Collage
Hey honeys! Ijust created another make-up collage of one of my favorite cosmetic lines, "Benefit." Benefit cosmetics can be a little pricey, but they are worth it. I chose Katy Perry to be the back ground model because I love her edgy, pin-up girl style. Enjoy!
Pin-up Girl
Hey honeys! I am in love with the whole sexy, but classy pin-up girl look. I love the vintage look, I feel like it gives off a unique statment. Pin-up girl make-up consists of bold winged liner, long lashes, contoured cheeks, defined creases, angled eyebrows, and bold lips. Many people have been creative and created various make-up styles of the traditional pin-up girl look. For example instead of using red all the time, some people use other shades such as neon pink. Pin-up girl history has been around for a long time, all the way back from the 1890's. Pin-up girls are models of fashion, sex symbols, and glamour. Here's a list of some pin-up girls that you may know: Marilyn Monroe, Tyra Banks, Farrah Fawcett, Kat Von D, Katy Perry, and Kandee(one of my favorite make-up artist on blogspot and youtube, she does a lot of pin-up girl inspired looks, you guys should check our her tutorials). The history of pin-up girl style, make-up, and hair will forever be expressed through artistry.
Last Friday was my cousins debut(in the filipino culture its a big party when the girl turns eighteen, like a quince, but when you turn eighteen). I wanted to go for a classy but sexy, pin-up girl look, so I painted my nails and toes red, rocked the red bold lips, wore false lashes, filled in the brows, winged out my liner, medium on blush, used a medium brown to make an illusion of a deeper creases, wore lose curls for my hair, and for my dress I chose a white and black dress(the length was a couple inches above the knee, didn't want it too short, because it was a fam party), this dress hugged and outlined my curves(represent the thick and curvy!).
Last Friday was my cousins debut(in the filipino culture its a big party when the girl turns eighteen, like a quince, but when you turn eighteen). I wanted to go for a classy but sexy, pin-up girl look, so I painted my nails and toes red, rocked the red bold lips, wore false lashes, filled in the brows, winged out my liner, medium on blush, used a medium brown to make an illusion of a deeper creases, wore lose curls for my hair, and for my dress I chose a white and black dress(the length was a couple inches above the knee, didn't want it too short, because it was a fam party), this dress hugged and outlined my curves(represent the thick and curvy!).
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Kat Von D Make-up collage
Hey honeys! Here's another collage I just made, inspired by Kat Von D's make-up line that is sold at Sephora.
Bows N' Floral
Hey honeys! One of my best friends Raye told me about Polyvore. Its an online website where you can collage make-up, nails, hair, fashion, etc. I created this "Bows N' Floral" collage, and was inspired by Hello Kitty. To make your own collage or to view others to get inspiration, go to .
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Keilah's Graduation Make-up Look
Hey honeys! This week has been so busy! I've been kickin it and bonding with friends and family before I leave to Hawaii (August 18th), finishing up summer school which ends this week, and my cuzzo's debut is this Friday and I don't even have a dress yet! (oh hell no lol) A couple weeks back, my cuzzo Cici's best friend, Pat, asked me if I can do her sister's make-up for her graduation pictures. Of course I said yes! So today at eight in the morning Cici, Pat, and her sister, Keilah came over so I can do her make-up.
Keilah is such a beautiful girl, she doesn't even need make-up, her complexion even has a clear glow! I asked her if she had any make-up requests and she told me that she wants her make-up to not look too natural, but at the same time you can tell she's wearing make-up. So, I gave her soft smokey eye look with natural pink-ish nude blush and lips. I also put lashes on her, it was her first time wearing lashes and she loved it! (yay!) She has such a fun personality, the whole time we're cracking up while wear talking. She asked me how I got started in doing make-up, and I told her I 've always been doing peoples make-up since I was a freshman in high school. But I really started learning techniques and skills from watching Make-up by Ren Ren on youtube.(omg she's my favorite!)

Keilah is such a beautiful girl, she doesn't even need make-up, her complexion even has a clear glow! I asked her if she had any make-up requests and she told me that she wants her make-up to not look too natural, but at the same time you can tell she's wearing make-up. So, I gave her soft smokey eye look with natural pink-ish nude blush and lips. I also put lashes on her, it was her first time wearing lashes and she loved it! (yay!) She has such a fun personality, the whole time we're cracking up while wear talking. She asked me how I got started in doing make-up, and I told her I 've always been doing peoples make-up since I was a freshman in high school. But I really started learning techniques and skills from watching Make-up by Ren Ren on youtube.(omg she's my favorite!)
I am so thankful that my cuzzo recommended me to her best friend and sister. Not only was Keilah my customer, she's also a new friend! Keilah tahnk you for giving me the opportunity for letting me share with you my art and passion for make-up. God bless you! And always know that if you need hair and make-up tips always remember to check my beauty blog! Good luck in your last year in high school, and work hard to bring home the diploma! I'm proud of you girl! If I'm ever in the bay for vacation, hit me up for hair, make-up,or even to just kick it. Thank you Keilah!

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