This is a top open view of my bag, its so full! I carry everything in here, lol. People always tell me that I can survive with my bag, if I were to ever get lost or stranded.
Let me empty out my bag so you can see a close up of my traveling survival kit. I have my magazines for the month of July, to keep me updated on fashion, hair, make-up, love, and life. I'm recently reading a book by Steve Harvey called "Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man", that I borrowed from one of by best friends "Tracy".(every women should read this! you won't want to put it down! its the ultimate guide to understanding everything that happens in the dating and relationships) I also have a pink portfolio folder where I cut out old magazine pictures of fashion, hair, and make-up to make mini collages that will give me ideas for future glam ideas, my other best friend "Raye" inspired me to do this. I also have a notebook to write down lists like an organizer, to write poetry, and to have just in case to store any written information. I also have my mini labtop with the charger, so that I can take my computer with me on the go, to use at wi-fi spots. I also have my i-touch with the charger, where I store songs and pictures of make-up that I've done in the past. I always carry my camera to capture unforgettable memories. And I love my blackberry, the key board makes texting so easy, I never get tired of it. Here's a picture of all of my reading materials and electronics that I carry in my bag:
In my bag, I also have a wave spray enhancer by Garnier(to maintain sultry waves), frozen daquiri lotion by bath and body works(this smells so delicious!), tanning lotion sp4 by Hawaiian Tropic(lol that's like no protection right there, I just want to get tanner faster, love the coconut, floral scent), a toothbrush(just in case), chai and pomegrade green tea by Bigelow(my favorite, tasty flavors but not too strong), post it notes and a pen (to jot down quick notes), big sunglasses(to shade the eyes), a small coin purse(to store loose change), a pad(just in case again lol), my eye glass case(I only use my glasses to see the board, when I'm driving, or to see a far, other then that their stored in here!), my coach wallet(I have so many beauty club cards in here from Bare Esscentuals to Ulta, to Sally's Beauty Supply), and my keys(on the keychain I have a picture of my sister, a mini keychain, cheetah print nail file, a small keyshain Sally's Beauty card, a monkey keychain wristlet, and a usb memory card keychain, used to store pictures, videos, and written documents).
Here's a picture of my make-up bag:
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